Co(l)laboratory Researcher Profiles

Project Title: Advancing Sustainable Transportation in Nottingham: Towards Inclusive and Safer Micromobility for All
What were you doing before starting this PhD?
I had a job with the charity Cycling UK. In this role I worked across the East Midlands, supporting community organisations, charities and independent cycling businesses to deliver activities and establish groups which enabled people to start or return to cycling. The focus was working with communities where the barriers to cycling were greatest and to encourage cycling for transport purposes.
What motivated you to apply for this specific PhD project?
Through my work with Cycling UK I have developed an interest in how to change travel behaviour, and how people can be encouraged and supported to use different modes of transport. The project seemed like a great opportunity to learn more about this topic. My own experience of using micromobility, primarily cycling, as a form of transport, has been very positive, in terms of health, cost and wellbeing. I saw the project as an opportunity to help bring these benefits to a broader range of people.
What difference do you hope to make in Nottingham through this research?
I think it is important for micromobility to be a viable option for as many people as possible, and to be more accepted by residents who might not use these modes of transport themselves. I also think that there is a need to reduce the number of short journeys made by motor vehicles, to reduce carbon emissions, reduce congestion, improve air quality and make the city generally a more pleasant place to live. Micromobility has an important role in this, but work is needed for the full potential of these transport options to be realised. I hope the findings from this research can be of some use to support the ongoing efforts to increase the uptake of micromobility in the city.
What do you hope to be doing in 5 years’ time? (personally and/or professionally)
I would like to be working in sustainable transport, hopefully in a role which enables me to put the research skills I will develop through this PhD to good use, and where I can ensure the projects I am part of are informed by evidence and engage communities in their design. Outside of work, still riding my bike and encouraging others to do the same.