Co(l)laboratory Researcher Profiles

Project Title: Improving Children’s Mental Health through School-based Music and Dance Programmes
What were you doing before starting this PhD?
After completing my undergraduate music degree at The University of Manchester, I completed a Master’s degree in music education and trained as a secondary music teacher at Cambridge University. Since then, being a teacher is all I’ve ever known! I’ve been a head of department, a class music teacher in primary and secondary schools, a PSHE teacher at a SEND school, and a piano teacher in secondary schools.
What motivated you to apply for this specific PhD project?
I’ve always had an interest in research throughout my career as a teacher so starting a PhD is an exciting opportunity for me. After reading the Co(l)laboratory project advertisement, I instantly wanted to apply as not only did the subject excite me, but Co(l)laboratory’s values did too. Their commitment to making meaningful change in Nottinghamshire is something that I really admire.
What difference do you hope to make in Nottingham through this research?
If I can improve the wellbeing of young people in Nottingham in any way then I will have hopefully made a difference. This project will work with Freedom Foundation, a local Community Interest Company which aims to improve children’s physical and mental wellbeing through music, dance, and mentoring. I feel very lucky to be part of Co(l)laboratory with its unique approach to research which prioritises issues specific to Nottingham.
What do you hope to be doing in 5 years’ time? (personally and/or professionally)
I hope to carry on researching either as a postdoctoral researcher or a lecturer. I would also hope to be working with children or young people in some way.