Co(l)laboratory Researcher Profiles

Project Title: Skateboarding in shared public space: power, gender, age and inclusivity
What were you doing before starting this PhD?
Previously I was working as a staff counsellor in the maternity department of a local hospital.
What motivated you to apply for this specific PhD project?
I’m really interested in concepts of gender and power relations- and I think that focusing this within a specific place will be really interesting. Although I don’t skate myself (yet!) I have been involved in building DIY skate spaces in and around Nottingham. I think the tramline spot is a great addition to Nottingham and I’m excited to be involved in exploring its impact.
What difference do you hope to make in Nottingham through this research?
I hope that by working in partnership with Skate Nottingham the profile of the spot can be raised and also potentially building new links with relevant bodies. Nottingham is a vibrant and exciting city and it would be great to see this multi use space enjoyed to its full potential.
What do you hope to be doing in 5 years’ time? (personally and/or professionally)
Hopefully still in Nottingham, perhaps working within the university environment.