Co(l)laboratory Researcher Profiles

Project Title: Diversifying Child Friendly Nottingham: Perspectives from Primary School-Aged Children
What were you doing before starting this PhD?
As a part-time student, I am currently working as a Primary School Teacher, in the same school I was working in before I applied for my PhD Studentship. I qualified as a teacher in Birmingham after completing a PGCE over 10 years ago and have worked in various schools in and around Nottingham City since. I applied for my PhD Studentship whilst I was on Maternity leave after the birth of my son and am currently working two days a week in school alongside my PhD studies.
What motivated you to apply for this specific PhD project?
I knew as soon as I saw this project that it was the right fit for me. As a teacher, I have been motivated to provide the children I teach with experiences, knowledge, understanding and relationships that will support them on their journey through education and beyond. My aim as an educator is to positively impact the lives and opportunities of the children I teach and work with. This research project has the same principles at its heart but has a wider scope and greater opportunity for positive impact and change. I was also drawn to this research project as it respects and values the experiences of children in Nottingham, I am looking forward to working alongside them to create research together and present it to the City.
What difference do you hope to make in Nottingham through this research?
My research will present the experiences of children in Nottingham of the Child Friendly Cities Initiative and my hope is that is will be used to make the interventions that are put into place under the scheme more impactful for all communities in the city. The United Nations states that the wellbeing of children is a key indicator for good governance, democracy and healthy habitats so while my research will be focused on children’s experiences it will also have a positive impact on all members of Nottingham City. There are many Child Friendly Cities that have been running the Initiative for 20 years or more, and I hope that my research will be part of creating a long-standing and responsive intervention to benefit Nottingham City well into the future.
What do you hope to be doing in 5 years’ time? (personally and/or professionally)
A big question! I hope to be working with amazing children and young people in Nottingham and to be conducting and sharing research that is making a positive impact in my community. As I am on a part-time schedule, I am hoping by this stage I will also be looking towards the publication of my Thesis and completion of my PhD study. As I am just at the beginning of this journey, I cannot say where it will take me beyond the 5 year mark, but I do know that I am ready to embrace the amazing range of opportunities that are on offer. Perhaps we can do a Co(l)lab check-in then and see where we all are!